Here is a list of the kind of skills an experience music leader working with children has:
Confidence – to sing out in front of children and adults
Songwriting – making up words and tunes and remembering them, writing them down
Improvising – making up little songs and tunes in the moment, repeating them, validating them
Melodic and harmonic skills – feeling where a tune is going as I sing, finding notes to fit with chords, and chords to fit with notes, and chord sequences to express the mood
Instrumental skills:
- able to play my instrument while singing and paying attention to what’s happening around me – only 20% attention needed on my playing
- knowledge of chords
- ability to find a melody on the instrument
- repertoire of melodies and chords
Aural skills to hear tunes and repeat them
Repertoire to draw on:
- of songs
- of activities and games
- of puppets and props
Producing printed sheets of song words with clipart
Documenting with photos and video
Writing up what I see as significant
Empathy and intuition to tune in to children’s moods, feelings and experiences
Trust of my instincts and intuition to voice things that don’t seem to make sense
- to go with children’s ideas
- to stop doing something if it isn’t working
- to abandon any pre-conceived plan
- to go into new territory
Willingness to have times when nothing seems to be happening, out of which can come something new
Sense of humour
Kindness and understanding